I have been seeing a increase in videos of young men and women fighting on Facebook recently. I’m not sure exactly what is going on. When I was growing up there were fights here and there, but these days it’s happening like every day. These children are finding the stupidest things to fight about. 

What happened to the days where if you got in trouble at school you got in trouble at home. I know there would have been a good beating in the living room of my house if I was to ever get in a fight at school. I was expected to go to school pay attention come home do my homework and if I got anything lower than a C my dad would be all over my behind. 

I just finished watching a video where in the middle of class a teenage boy and teenage girl get in each other’s face and talk back n forth for a few minutes and in the background you can see the teacher just sitting there not saying anything. Things get out of control the girl hits the boy and the boy punches back and knocks her down. 

All I could think is wow. These children today are not learning anything about respect. No one is teaching them manners not at home not at school. I was raised way different than what I’ve seen this era. You never put your hands on a woman. If I’d ever put my hands on a woman my dad would have probably took a couple days off work just to sit at home and beat the snot out of me. 

What does fighting really solve? Does it prove 1 is tougher than the other? I’ve seen little guys knock out big guys just because the got a lucky punch in. So how is the little guy proven tougher? He is not, anyone can win a fight, just a matter of getting the lucky punch. 

We as parents need to take control of this. We need to teach our children respect, humility, and honor. They need to be more obedient to their elders, respect women, and education is important. 

If we just sit to the side and say there’s nothing you can do then things are only going to get worse. Yes the laws have changed and it makes it harder to discipline these days. Take away their phones, take away their games, take away their television and if that don’t work take away their freedom. Make them come home from school do their homework eat dinner and then sit in their room and read a book. Give them your own book report. Things need to change. Things really need to change.